Welcome to our new Associate Editors – 2019

Towards the end of last year and the start of this, we welcomed some new faces to our Editorial Board. Get to know our new Associate Editors:

amy dickmanAmy J. Dickman
Wild Conservation Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University of Oxford
Amy has more than 20 years’ experience working on large carnivores in Africa, specialising in human-carnivore conflict. She has an MSc from Oxford University and a PhD from University College London, and has published over 70 scientific papers and book chapters on carnivore ecology and conservation. She is a member of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group, the Human-Wildlife Conflict Collaboration, the African Lion Working Group, the IUCN Human-Wildlife Conflict Task Force, and is a National Geographic Explorer. She has received multiple awards for her work, including the Rabinowitz-Kaplan Prize, the St Louis Zoo Conservation Award and the Cincinnati Zoo Wildlife Conservation Award. Website

qiang heQiang He
Fudan University, China
Qiang is a community ecologist with interests in trophic and non-trophic species interactions, such as facilitation, herbivory, and predation. He studies how trophic and non-trophic species interactions vary across space and time; how they affect the structure and functioning of ecosystems and resilience to global environmental change; and how they can be incorporated to promote ecosystem restoration and conservation. He primarily works on coastal marine ecosystems.  Website

fernanda michalskiFernanda Michalski
Federal University of Amapá, Brazil
Fernanda is interested in understanding the effects of anthropogenic disturbance on mid-sized and large-bodied vertebrates. She is particularly interested in ecology and conservation of tropical mammals and in understanding human-wildlife conflicts. Over the past 15 years she has been developing and coordinating research projects in the Brazilian Amazon. Her goal is to apply the results from her research to develop effective conservation actions for species and ecosystems in tropical regions. Website

sharif mukulSharif Ahmed Mukul
Tropical Forests and People Research Centre, University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia
Mukul is a forester by training with an additional background in natural resources and environmental management. As an academic and researcher, he is enthusiastic about the potential role of forest as an ecological niche, along with other, less modified landscapes. He is also interested in their contribution in ecosystem functioning, and the role of various human activities on their structure and performance. Mukul participated in the journal’s Mentoring Opportunity 2017-2018. Website.

nessa o'connorNessa O’Connor
Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Nessa’s research focuses on understanding the relationships between biodiversity, ecosystem functioning and stability, and associated ecosystem services. Nessa uses experimental, observational and synthetic approaches to identify how ecosystems respond to the loss of species and other anthropogenic stressors including ocean warming and acidification, nutrient enrichment and the spread of invasive species. Much of her research employs experimental approaches in coastal ecosystems where her recent projects also include the sustainable development of benthic species for aquaculture (mussels, oysters and seaweed) and habitat restoration.  Website

vitor paivaVitor Paiva
University of Coimbra, Portugal
Vitor’s research focuses on marine animal ecology, particularly the study of the foraging strategies and ecological roles of seabirds and other apex predators; of wider trophic relationships in marine communities and of migration strategies of birds. He’s also interested in understanding how these apex predators respond to global change. Vitor has gained diverse field and analytical expertise, which enable him to apply powerful techniques such as stable isotope analysis, biologging, ecophysiological analysis, ecosystem modelling and advanced statistical procedures to address a wide range of key and highly topical ecological issues.  Website

kullu thumbnailKulbhushansingh Suryawanshi
Nature Conservation Foundation, India & Snow Leopard Trust, USA
Kulbhushansingh aims to work towards wildlife conservation through applied scientific research. Specifically, he is interested in interactions between large carnivores and their wild prey, and human use of the landscape. He studies the ecological and social dimensions of these interactions. His work has focussed on understanding how prey availability affects large carnivore interactions with people and which factors influence human perceptions, attitudes and behaviour towards large carnivores. Mukul participated in the journal’s Mentoring Opportunity 2017-2018. Website


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