Can livestock help restore pollination services?

Anna Traveset and Carlos Lara-Romero talk us through the effect of green infrastructure on the restoration of pollination networks and plant performance in semi-natural dry grasslands across Europe. Alongside colleagues, Traveset and Lara-Romero suggest that enhancing ecosystem functions while avoiding biotic homogenisation is a necessity. Introduction and objectives In Europe, semi-natural grasslands are living treasures, nurtured by traditional pastoralism that has maintained their unique biodiversity.  However, … Continue reading Can livestock help restore pollination services?

Local and landscape scale factors influence pollinators at solar parks

Authors Hollie Blaydes and Alona Armstrong describe their latest research to better understand how pollinators respond to increasing solar park developments. Ground mounted solar parks are becoming increasingly common features of our landscapes and are set to play a pivotal role on the path to net zero. Currently taking up ~15,000 hectares across the UK, more land will be needed for solar parks to meet … Continue reading Local and landscape scale factors influence pollinators at solar parks

A disposição da plantação de café pode aumentar a produtividade e a sustentabilidade?

Gudryan J. Baronio discute sobre o recente estudo, conduzido em colaboração, que enfatiza o papel fundamental dos polinizadores na produção de café e seu impacto nas características dos frutos e sementes. As conclusões do estudo apoiam a otimização dos cafezais através da preservação da vegetação nativa para aumentar a produção de café e conservar a biodiversidade. Continue reading A disposição da plantação de café pode aumentar a produtividade e a sustentabilidade?

Can coffee plantation design boost both productivity and sustainability?

Gudryan J. Baronio discusses a recent study, conducted alongside colleagues, which emphasises the key role of pollinators in coffee production and their impact on fruit and seed characteristics. Their findings support optimising coffee plantation design by preserving native vegetation to increase coffee yields and conserve biodiversity. Continue reading Can coffee plantation design boost both productivity and sustainability?

Bees go up, flowers go down: When are flowers needed most in agricultural areas?

Gabriella Bishop introduces us to the latest study, conducted alongside colleagues, which indicates that agri-environmental management should target the provision of summer floral resources for both social and solitary bees. Bees in intensive agricultural landscapes Bees need flowers for food and reproduction. Previously, agricultural areas contained small fields with undisturbed borders and flower-rich pastures that provided bees with the resources they need. The transition to … Continue reading Bees go up, flowers go down: When are flowers needed most in agricultural areas?

Unravelling the seasonal dance: How flowering crops impact wild pollinators

Laura Riggi talks us through the latest research, conducted with colleagues, which confirms that mass-flowering crop cultivation alone is unlikely to be sufficient for maintaining pollinators. However, as part of carefully designed diverse crop rotations or mixtures combined with the preservation of permanent non-crop habitats, it might provide valuable supplementary food resources for pollinators in temperate agroecosystems, particularly later in the season when alternative flower … Continue reading Unravelling the seasonal dance: How flowering crops impact wild pollinators

SolBeePop: A model of solitary bee populations in agricultural landscapes

Amelie Schmolke discusses recent work, conducted alongside colleagues, which involved the development of a trait-based model for solitary bees. Schmolke et al were able to model management scenarios and possible outcomes for bee species with incomplete trait data. An introduction to bees When thinking about bees, people often think of the honey bee. But there are over 20,000 species of bees in the world, most … Continue reading SolBeePop: A model of solitary bee populations in agricultural landscapes

Variety is the spice of life: diverse key pollinators of British strawberry need non-crop resources

Author Edith Villa-Galaviz shares her team’s latest study exploring key pollinator species identity and behaviour for strawberry crops that can provide vital insights for improving crop yield. Fourteen years ago, a PhD student collected a large dataset on the visitation and pollen loads of the insects that visited three strawberry fields in the South West England. For various reasons, the student couldn’t publish their paper … Continue reading Variety is the spice of life: diverse key pollinators of British strawberry need non-crop resources

Umo  kumala kwankholongo kukhwaskira mabutterfly muvigawa vya mu AFrica – Kasi walimi wachokowachoko wangaovwira kuwezgera, kupwerelera mabutterfly

Cassandra Vogel na Vera Mayer, wafumiska kafuku-fuku wawo mwasonosono wakulongola kuchepa kwa malo yakukhalamo wabulawula mu Malawi. Wakughanaghana vyakusambizga walimi wachoko-wachoko kuti wasazgileko kulima mbewu za mitundu yinandi izo zikufumiska maluwa.Kweniso kuwoneskeska kuti wachitenge,panyakhe walimenge nthowa izo zikuwezgelengemo nyata mudongo. Continue reading Umo  kumala kwankholongo kukhwaskira mabutterfly muvigawa vya mu AFrica – Kasi walimi wachokowachoko wangaovwira kuwezgera, kupwerelera mabutterfly

Woodland loss impacts butterfly communities in Africa – can smallholder farmers help conserve them?

Cassandra Vogel and Vera Mayer present their latest research into the effects of habitat loss on butterflies in Malawi, suggesting that encouraging smallholders to increase the diversity of flowering crops and implement sustainable soil practices is needed. Continue reading Woodland loss impacts butterfly communities in Africa – can smallholder farmers help conserve them?